Unban Your
New Reality

Social Media
AI Solution

Make It Work For You

Customized Posting Automation

Our solution offers custom digital media flows, tailored to make your social media presence robust, quick, and efficient.

You decide what to post and maintain complete control of your social media, without the hassle of creating the content.

Social Media Automation

Exactly What You Need


Personalized Content

Leveraging AI Knowledge Base, research, web-scraping, and other advanced techniques, we ensure all content aligns with your business image, delivering messages that resonate with your audience.

Every post includes a personalized blend of text, media files, relevant hashtags, emojis, and more.

What We Do


Personalized Content

Leveraging AI Knowledge Base, research, web-scraping, and other advanced techniques, we ensure all content aligns with your business image, delivering messages that resonate with your audience.

Every post includes a personalized blend of text, media files, relevant hashtags, emojis, and more.

Common Use-Cases

Event-Driven Campaigns

This flow generates customized content for holiday events, product launches, promotions, and other events, boosting your social media engagement.

Company Updates

Automates company news, sharing brand-featured info, new milestones, and other updates to keep your audience connected.

Educational Posts

AI finds relevant educational information or uses your sources to create informative and engaging content.

Industry News and Trends

Leveraging AI and web scraping to gather and curate up-to-date news and trends into engaging posts to position your brand as an active participant in the market.


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